Distance from to

Distance from Swains Island to Risaralda

Distance from Swains Island to Risaralda is 10,675 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 6,633 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Swains Island and Risaralda is 10,675 km or 6,633 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Swains Island to Risaralda, It takes 11.84 hours to arrive.

Swains Island

Swains Island is located in American Samoa.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)11° 3´ 18.7920'' S
171° 4´ 41.6280'' W
Altitude0 m
CountryAmerican Samoa

Swains Island Distances to Cities

Swains IslandDistance
Distance from Swains Island to Risaralda10,675 km
Distance from Swains Island to Caqueta10,827 km
Distance from Swains Island to San Jose Del Guaviare10,993 km
Distance from Swains Island to Sucre10,891 km


Risaralda is located in Colombia.

GPS Coordinates4° 59´ 32.7480'' N
76° 1´ 7.1760'' W
Altitude1640 m

Map of Swains Island

Map of Risaralda