Distance from to

Distance from Majuro to Kwajalein Atoll

Distance from Majuro to Kwajalein Atoll is 494 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 307 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Majuro and Kwajalein Atoll is 494 km= 307 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Majuro to Kwajalein Atoll, It takes 0.55 hours to arrive.


Majuro is located in Marshall Islands.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)7° 5´ 22.9560'' N
171° 22´ 48.9720'' E
Altitude6 m
CountryMarshall Islands

Majuro Distances to Cities

Distance from Majuro to Kwajalein Atoll494 km
Distance from Majuro to Aur Atoll135 km
Distance from Majuro to Rmi Capitol0 km
Distance from Majuro to Wotje Atoll299 km
Distance from Majuro to Arno Atoll30 km

Kwajalein Atoll

Kwajalein Atoll is located in Marshall Islands.

GPS Coordinates9° 11´ 23.3520'' N
167° 25´ 27.4800'' E
Altitude-44 m
CountryMarshall Islands

Kwajalein Atoll Distances to Cities

Kwajalein AtollDistance
Distance from Kwajalein Atoll to Majuro Atoll474 km
Distance from Kwajalein Atoll to Ujae Atoll196 km
Distance from Kwajalein Atoll to Mili Atoll599 km
Distance from Kwajalein Atoll to Taka Atoll324 km
Distance from Kwajalein Atoll to Wotje Atoll290 km

Map of Majuro

Map of Kwajalein Atoll