Distance from to

Distance from Caxias do Sul to Bento Goncalves

Distance from Caxias do Sul to Bento Gonçalves is 33 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 21 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Caxias do Sul and Bento Gonçalves is 33 km= 21 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Caxias do Sul to Bento Goncalves, It takes 0.04 hours to arrive.

Caxias do Sul

Caxias do Sul is located in Brazil.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)29° 10´ 5.0160'' S
51° 10´ 45.9840'' W
Altitude787 m

Caxias do Sul Distances to Cities

Caxias do SulDistance
Distance from Caxias Do Sul to Campos Novos196 km
Distance from Caxias Do Sul to Cachoeirinha87 km
Distance from Caxias Do Sul to Bento Goncalves33 km
Distance from Caxias Do Sul to Cacapava Do Sul268 km
Distance from Caxias Do Sul to Biguacu309 km

Bento Goncalves

Bento Goncalves is located in Brazil.

GPS Coordinates29° 10´ 17.0040'' S
51° 31´ 9.0120'' W
Altitude673 m

Bento Gonçalves Distances to Cities

Bento GonçalvesDistance
Distance from Bento Goncalves to Alegrete420 km
Distance from Bento Goncalves to Avare721 km
Distance from Bento Goncalves to Belo Horizonte1,280 km
Distance from Bento Goncalves to Antonina499 km
Distance from Bento Goncalves to Jaru2,366 km

Map of Caxias do Sul

Map of Bento Goncalves