Distance Between Sihanoukville and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Sihanoukville shown on map, and the distance between Sihanoukville to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Sihanoukville to Cambodia Cities
Distance Between Sihanoukville and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Sihanoukville to Simferopol | 7,565 km | 4,701 miles |
Distance from Sihanoukville to Chongjin | 4,301 km | 2,673 miles |
Distance from Sihanoukville to Philipsburg | 16,516 km | 10,263 miles |
Distance from Sihanoukville to Ati | 9,238 km | 5,740 miles |
Distance from Sihanoukville to Columbus Oh | 14,365 km | 8,926 miles |
Distance from Sihanoukville to Morelia | 15,706 km | 9,759 miles |
Distance from Sihanoukville to Ocotal | 17,109 km | 10,631 miles |
Distance from Sihanoukville to Radovish | 8,495 km | 5,279 miles |
Distance from Sihanoukville to San Juan De Los Morros | 17,526 km | 10,890 miles |
Distance from Sihanoukville to Tromso | 8,695 km | 5,403 miles |