Distance Between Humacao and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Humacao shown on map, and the distance between Humacao to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Humacao to Puerto Rico Cities
Distance Between Humacao and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Humacao to Chiesanuova | 7,702 km | 4,786 miles |
Distance from Humacao to Bay | 11,965 km | 7,435 miles |
Distance from Humacao to Sevastopol | 9,327 km | 5,796 miles |
Distance from Humacao to Sakete | 7,514 km | 4,669 miles |
Distance from Humacao to Xai Xai | 11,776 km | 7,317 miles |
Distance from Humacao to Grytviken | 8,498 km | 5,280 miles |
Distance from Humacao to Ilorin | 7,659 km | 4,759 miles |
Distance from Humacao to Amsterdam | 7,124 km | 4,427 miles |
Distance from Humacao to Homs | 9,973 km | 6,197 miles |
Distance from Humacao to Zwedru | 6,396 km | 3,974 miles |