Distance from to

Distance from Barra Velha to Arapongas

Distance from Barra Velha to Arapongas is 451 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 280 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Barra Velha and Arapongas is 451 km= 280 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Barra Velha to Arapongas, It takes 0.5 hours to arrive.

Barra Velha

Barra Velha is located in Brazil.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)26° 37´ 55.9920'' S
48° 41´ 4.9920'' W
Altitude14 m

Barra Velha Distances to Cities

Barra VelhaDistance
Distance from Barra Velha to Almenara1,422 km
Distance from Barra Velha to Adamantina599 km
Distance from Barra Velha to Manacapuru2,879 km
Distance from Barra Velha to Arapongas451 km
Distance from Barra Velha to Boa Vista3,505 km


Arapongas is located in Brazil.

GPS Coordinates23° 25´ 9.9840'' S
51° 25´ 27.9840'' W
Altitude805 m

Arapongas Distances to Cities

Distance from Arapongas to Aracatuba265 km
Distance from Arapongas to Andradas521 km
Distance from Arapongas to Agudos271 km
Distance from Arapongas to Jaru1,855 km
Distance from Arapongas to Alfenas605 km

Map of Barra Velha

Map of Arapongas