Distance from to

Distance from Schwerin to Bad Honnef

Distance from Schwerin to Bad Honnef is 439 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 273 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Schwerin and Bad Honnef is 439 km or 273 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Schwerin to Bad Honnef, It takes 0.49 hours to arrive.


Schwerin is located in Germany.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)53° 37´ 45.7320'' N
11° 24´ 47.3760'' E
Altitude48 m

Schwerin Distances to Cities

Distance from Schwerin to Bad Honnef439 km
Distance from Schwerin to Munich611 km
Distance from Schwerin to Moers405 km
Distance from Schwerin to Potsdam176 km
Distance from Schwerin to Magdeburg168 km

Bad Honnef

Bad Honnef is located in Germany.

GPS Coordinates50° 38´ 36.0960'' N
7° 13´ 40.0800'' E
Altitude73 m

Bad Honnef Distances to Cities

Bad HonnefDistance
Distance from Bad Honnef to Auerbach367 km
Distance from Bad Honnef to Aue388 km
Distance from Bad Honnef to Backnang247 km
Distance from Bad Honnef to Seeheim Jugenheim141 km
Distance from Bad Honnef to Altena79 km

Map of Schwerin

Map of Bad Honnef