Distance from to

Distance from Rio Grande do Sul to Bahia

Distance from Rio Grande do Sul to Bahia is 2,168 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 1,347 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Rio Grande do Sul and Bahia is 2,168 km= 1,347 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Rio Grande do Sul to Bahia, It takes 2.41 hours to arrive.

Rio Grande do Sul

Rio Grande do Sul is located in Brazil.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)30° 2´ 4.6680'' S
51° 13´ 3.7200'' W
Altitude19 m

Rio Grande do Sul Distances to Cities

Rio Grande do SulDistance
Distance from Rio Grande Do Sul to Acre3,093 km
Distance from Rio Grande Do Sul to Rio De Janeiro1,123 km
Distance from Rio Grande Do Sul to Ribeirao Preto1,039 km
Distance from Rio Grande Do Sul to Brasilia1,614 km
Distance from Rio Grande Do Sul to Rondonia2,418 km


Bahia is located in Brazil.

GPS Coordinates12° 34´ 47.0640'' S
41° 42´ 2.6280'' W
Altitude905 m

Bahia Distances to Cities

Distance from Bahia to Jaguaquara215 km
Distance from Bahia to Recife899 km
Distance from Bahia to Natal1,035 km
Distance from Bahia to Fortaleza1,040 km
Distance from Bahia to Ribeirao Preto1,152 km

Map of Rio Grande do Sul

Map of Bahia