Distance from to

Distance from Lubbock to Salem

Distance from Lubbock to Salem is 2,210 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 1,373 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Lubbock and Salem is 2,210 km= 1,373 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Lubbock to Salem, It takes 2.45 hours to arrive.


Lubbock is located in United States.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)33° 34´ 40.2960'' N
101° 51´ 18.6120'' W
Altitude979 m
CountryUnited States

Lubbock Distances to Cities

Distance from Lubbock to San Angelo270 km
Distance from Lubbock to Midland Tx177 km
Distance from Lubbock to Pampa232 km
Distance from Lubbock to West Odessa202 km
Distance from Lubbock to Hilo5,456 km


Salem is located in United States.

GPS Coordinates44° 56´ 34.4400'' N
123° 2´ 6.3600'' W
Altitude55 m
CountryUnited States

Salem Distances to Cities

Distance from Salem Or to Honolulu4,122 km
Distance from Salem Or to Olympia233 km
Distance from Salem Or to Woodburn26 km
Distance from Salem Or to Port Angeles354 km
Distance from Salem Or to Seattle301 km

Map of Lubbock

Map of Salem