Distance from to

Distance from Lomas del Sur to Crucecita

Distance from Lomas del Sur to Crucecita is 931 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 578 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Lomas del Sur and Crucecita is 931 km or 578 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Lomas del Sur to Crucecita, It takes 1.03 hours to arrive.

Lomas del Sur

Lomas del Sur is located in Mexico.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)20° 29´ 33.0000'' N
103° 25´ 3.0000'' W
Altitude1636 m

Lomas del Sur Distances to Cities

Lomas del SurDistance
Distance from Lomas Del Sur to Parque Industrial Ciudad Mitras661 km
Distance from Lomas Del Sur to Heroica Ciudad De Tlaxiaco702 km
Distance from Lomas Del Sur to Ampliacion San Mateo Colonia Solidaridad457 km
Distance from Lomas Del Sur to Don Antonio474 km
Distance from Lomas Del Sur to Crucecita931 km


Crucecita is located in Mexico.

GPS Coordinates15° 46´ 8.0040'' N
96° 8´ 6.0000'' W
Altitude37 m

Map of Lomas del Sur

Map of Crucecita