Distance from to

Distance from Daejeon to Incheon

Distance from Daejeon to Incheon is 137 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 85 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Daejeon and Incheon is 137 km= 85 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Daejeon to Incheon, It takes 0.15 hours to arrive.


Daejeon is located in South Korea.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)36° 21´ 1.4760'' N
127° 23´ 4.3800'' E
Altitude72 m
CountrySouth Korea

Daejeon Distances to Cities

Distance from Daejeon to Seoul140 km
Distance from Daejeon to Daegu122 km
Distance from Daejeon to Busan201 km
Distance from Daejeon to Gwangju141 km
Distance from Daejeon to Incheon137 km


Incheon is located in South Korea.

GPS Coordinates37° 27´ 22.5360'' N
126° 42´ 18.7560'' E
Altitude45 m
CountrySouth Korea

Incheon Distances to Cities

Distance from Incheon to Jeju Do441 km
Distance from Incheon to Chungcheongbuk Do104 km
Distance from Incheon to Gyeongsangnam Do259 km
Distance from Incheon to Chungcheongnam Do104 km
Distance from Incheon to Jeollabuk Do197 km

Map of Daejeon

Map of Incheon