Distance from to

Distance from Bautzen to Bad Salzungen

Distance from Bautzen to Bad Salzungen is 298 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 185 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Bautzen and Bad Salzungen is 298 km or 185 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Bautzen to Bad Salzungen, It takes 0.33 hours to arrive.


Bautzen is located in Germany.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)51° 10´ 49.2600'' N
14° 26´ 5.7840'' E
Altitude213 m

Bautzen Distances to Cities

Distance from Bautzen to Aue138 km
Distance from Bautzen to Bad Hersfeld333 km
Distance from Bautzen to Bad Salzungen298 km
Distance from Bautzen to Aschaffenburg397 km
Distance from Bautzen to Bad Kreuznach489 km

Bad Salzungen

Bad Salzungen is located in Germany.

GPS Coordinates50° 48´ 48.3120'' N
10° 14´ 9.9600'' E
Altitude250 m

Bad Salzungen Distances to Cities

Bad SalzungenDistance
Distance from Bad Salzungen to Bad Hersfeld38 km
Distance from Bad Salzungen to Bad Salzuflen176 km
Distance from Bad Salzungen to Aschersleben135 km
Distance from Bad Salzungen to Attendorn168 km
Distance from Bad Salzungen to Altenburg156 km

Map of Bautzen

Map of Bad Salzungen