Distance from to

Distance from Anyang-si to Sinhyeon

Distance from Anyang-si to Sinhyeon is 318 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 198 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Anyang-si and Sinhyeon is 318 km= 198 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Anyang-si to Sinhyeon, It takes 0.35 hours to arrive.


Anyang-si is located in South Korea.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)37° 23´ 33.0000'' N
126° 55´ 36.9840'' E
Altitude52 m
CountrySouth Korea

Anyang-si Distances to Cities

Distance from Anyang Si to Anseong52 km
Distance from Anyang Si to Sinhyeon318 km
Distance from Anyang Si to Gaigeturi439 km
Distance from Anyang Si to Pubal53 km
Distance from Anyang Si to Seogwipo460 km


Sinhyeon is located in South Korea.

GPS Coordinates34° 52´ 57.0000'' N
128° 37´ 36.0120'' E
Altitude14 m
CountrySouth Korea

Sinhyeon Distances to Cities

Distance from Sinhyeon to Wabu326 km
Distance from Sinhyeon to Hanam321 km
Distance from Sinhyeon to Seongnam Si314 km
Distance from Sinhyeon to Hwado329 km
Distance from Sinhyeon to Hwawon103 km

Map of Anyang-si

Map of Sinhyeon