Distance from to

Distance from Ahmadpur Sial to Setharja Old

Distance from Ahmadpur Siāl to Sethārja Old is 499 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 310 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Ahmadpur Siāl and Sethārja Old is 499 km= 310 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Ahmadpur Sial to Setharja Old, It takes 0.55 hours to arrive.

Ahmadpur Sial

Ahmadpur Sial is located in Pakistan.

GPS Coordinates (DMS)30° 40´ 31.4040'' N
71° 44´ 53.8080'' E
Altitude133 m

Ahmadpur Siāl Distances to Cities

Ahmadpur SiālDistance
Distance from Ahmadpur Sial to Malakwal City250 km
Distance from Ahmadpur Sial to Tando Ghulam Ali677 km
Distance from Ahmadpur Sial to Risalpur376 km
Distance from Ahmadpur Sial to Setharja Old499 km
Distance from Ahmadpur Sial to New Badah517 km

Setharja Old

Setharja Old is located in Pakistan.

GPS Coordinates27° 12´ 45.7200'' N
68° 28´ 7.7880'' E
Altitude54 m

Sethārja Old Distances to Cities

Sethārja OldDistance
Distance from Setharja Old to Risalpur831 km
Distance from Setharja Old to Malakwal City749 km

Map of Ahmadpur Sial

Map of Setharja Old