Distance Between Nepal Cities
Select start and destination city to calculate the distance between Nepal cities.
Alternatively click one of the city name below to list the near locations and surrounding cities and calculate distance from the city.
- Birendranagar
- Central Region
- Dhankuta
- Dipayal
- Eastern Region
- Far Western
- Kathmandu
- Mid Western
- Pokhara
- Western Region
Distance Between Major Cities in Nepal
Start and Destination City | Distance | Mileage |
Birendranagar to Central Region | 379 km | 235 miles |
Central Region to Dhankuta | 211 km | 131 miles |
Dhankuta to Dipayal | 676 km | 420 miles |
Dipayal to Eastern Region | 637 km | 396 miles |
Eastern Region to Far Western | 634 km | 394 miles |
Far Western to Kathmandu | 459 km | 285 miles |
Kathmandu to Mid Western | 322 km | 200 miles |
Mid Western to Pokhara | 175 km | 109 miles |
Pokhara to Western Region | 12 km | 7 miles |