Distance Between Kathmandu and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Kathmandu shown on map, and the distance between Kathmandu to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Kathmandu to Nepal Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Pokhara to Kathmandu | 147 km | 91 miles |
Distance from Kathmandu to Dhankuta | 214 km | 133 miles |
Distance from Kathmandu to Birendranagar | 375 km | 233 miles |
Distance from Kathmandu to Dipayal | 462 km | 287 miles |
Distance from Far Western to Kathmandu | 459 km | 285 miles |
Distance from Mid Western to Kathmandu | 322 km | 200 miles |
Distance from Central Region to Kathmandu | 26 km | 16 miles |
Distance from Eastern Region to Kathmandu | 177 km | 110 miles |
Distance from Western Region to Kathmandu | 146 km | 91 miles |
Distance Between Kathmandu and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Kathmandu to Ocean Acres | 12,246 km | 7,609 miles |
Distance from Kathmandu to Suffolk | 12,627 km | 7,846 miles |
Distance from Kathmandu to La Presa | 12,917 km | 8,026 miles |
Distance from Kathmandu to Uvarovo | 4,466 km | 2,775 miles |
Distance from Kathmandu to Karacoban | 4,172 km | 2,592 miles |
Distance from Kathmandu to Flagstaff | 12,819 km | 7,965 miles |
Distance from Kathmandu to Nowa Sol | 6,261 km | 3,890 miles |
Distance from Kathmandu to Loma Linda | 12,770 km | 7,935 miles |
Distance from Kathmandu to Krasnodar | 4,506 km | 2,800 miles |
Distance from Kathmandu to Tewksbury | 11,858 km | 7,368 miles |