Distance Between Western Bahr al Ghazal and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Western Bahr al Ghazal shown on map, and the distance between Western Bahr al Ghazal to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Western Bahr al Ghazal to South Sudan Cities
Distance Between Western Bahr al Ghazal and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Western Bahr Al Ghazal to Yekaterinburg | 6,159 km | 3,827 miles |
Distance from Western Bahr Al Ghazal to Nassau | 10,865 km | 6,751 miles |
Distance from Western Bahr Al Ghazal to Bukoba | 1,320 km | 820 miles |
Distance from Western Bahr Al Ghazal to Kagera | 1,388 km | 862 miles |
Distance from Western Bahr Al Ghazal to Spanish Town | 10,999 km | 6,834 miles |
Distance from Western Bahr Al Ghazal to Palmas 31 | 8,417 km | 5,230 miles |
Distance from Western Bahr Al Ghazal to Angong | 8,191 km | 5,090 miles |
Distance from Western Bahr Al Ghazal to California | 13,780 km | 8,562 miles |
Distance from Western Bahr Al Ghazal to Hamah | 3,158 km | 1,962 miles |
Distance from Western Bahr Al Ghazal to Kandi | 2,465 km | 1,532 miles |