Distance Between Ternopil and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Ternopil shown on map, and the distance between Ternopil to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Ternopil to Ukraine Cities
Distance Between Ternopil and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Ternopil to Rivera | 11,967 km | 7,436 miles |
Distance from Ternopil to Bogota | 10,317 km | 6,411 miles |
Distance from Ternopil to Amazonas | 9,823 km | 6,104 miles |
Distance from Ternopil to Goroka | 12,641 km | 7,855 miles |
Distance from Ternopil to Coronel Oviedo | 11,575 km | 7,192 miles |
Distance from Ternopil to Nara Shi | 8,426 km | 5,236 miles |
Distance from Ternopil to Abuja | 4,794 km | 2,979 miles |
Distance from Ternopil to Bazarak | 3,877 km | 2,409 miles |
Distance from Ternopil to Canelones | 12,307 km | 7,647 miles |
Distance from Ternopil to Voronezh | 989 km | 615 miles |