Distance Between Sool and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Sool shown on map, and the distance between Sool to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Sool to Somalia Cities
Distance Between Sool and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Sool to Meda | 5,508 km | 3,423 miles |
Distance from Sool to Como | 5,522 km | 3,431 miles |
Distance from Sool to Creil | 6,148 km | 3,820 miles |
Distance from Sool to Rho | 5,506 km | 3,421 miles |
Distance from Sool to Koper | 5,220 km | 3,244 miles |
Distance from Sool to Dole | 5,831 km | 3,623 miles |
Distance from Sool to Pavia | 5,478 km | 3,404 miles |
Distance from Sool to Caen | 6,324 km | 3,930 miles |
Distance from Sool to Gap | 5,642 km | 3,506 miles |
Distance from Sool to Jena | 5,735 km | 3,564 miles |