Distance Between Solothurn and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Solothurn shown on map, and the distance between Solothurn to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Solothurn to Switzerland Cities
Distance Between Solothurn and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Solothurn to Munich | 320 km | 199 miles |
Distance from Solothurn to Heidelberg | 259 km | 161 miles |
Distance from Solothurn to Auvergne | 363 km | 226 miles |
Distance from Solothurn to Paris | 428 km | 266 miles |
Distance from Solothurn to Limay | 475 km | 295 miles |
Distance from Solothurn to Idrija | 515 km | 320 miles |
Distance from Solothurn to Prague | 599 km | 372 miles |
Distance from Solothurn to London | 733 km | 455 miles |
Distance from Solothurn to Jesenice | 504 km | 313 miles |
Distance from Solothurn to Memmingen | 217 km | 135 miles |