Distance from to

Distance Between Sherwood Park and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Sherwood Park shown on map, and the distance between Sherwood Park to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Sherwood Park to Canada Cities

Distance from Charlottetown to Sherwood Park3,607 km2,241 miles
Distance from Edmonton to Sherwood Park11 km7 miles
Distance from Fredericton to Sherwood Park3,391 km2,107 miles
Distance from Ottawa to Sherwood Park2,826 km1,756 miles
Distance from Regina to Sherwood Park686 km426 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Toronto2,688 km1,670 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Victoria901 km560 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Whitehorse1,526 km948 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Winnipeg1,182 km734 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Yellowknife996 km619 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Halifax3,673 km2,282 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to St. John's4,202 km2,611 miles
Distance from Alberta to Sherwood Park219 km136 miles
Distance from British Columbia to Sherwood Park944 km587 miles
Distance from Manitoba to Sherwood Park955 km593 miles
Distance from New Brunswick to Sherwood Park3,369 km2,093 miles
Distance from Northwest Territories to Sherwood Park1,414 km879 miles
Distance from Nova Scotia to Sherwood Park3,660 km2,274 miles
Distance from Nunavut to Sherwood Park2,395 km1,488 miles
Distance from Ontario to Sherwood Park2,190 km1,361 miles
Distance from Prince Edward Island to Sherwood Park3,572 km2,220 miles
Distance from Quebec to Sherwood Park2,613 km1,624 miles
Distance from Saskatchewan to Sherwood Park461 km286 miles
Distance from Yukon to Sherwood Park1,711 km1,063 miles
Distance from Newfoundland and Labrador to Sherwood Park3,601 km2,238 miles

Distance Between Sherwood Park and Foreign Cities

Distance from Sherwood Park to Bodrum9,286 km5,770 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Ladybrand15,850 km9,849 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Johannesburg15,619 km9,705 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Marquette1,999 km1,242 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Bellingham831 km516 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to South Portland Gardens3,299 km2,050 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Ostrava7,687 km4,776 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Aigio8,973 km5,576 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Nottingham6,645 km4,129 miles
Distance from Sherwood Park to Karjat11,955 km7,428 miles