Distance Between Sandaun and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Sandaun shown on map, and the distance between Sandaun to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Sandaun to Papua New Guinea Cities
Distance Between Sandaun and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Sandaun to Zaporizhzhya | 11,543 km | 7,172 miles |
Distance from Sandaun to Nuku Alofa | 5,044 km | 3,134 miles |
Distance from Sandaun to Leeuwarden | 13,209 km | 8,208 miles |
Distance from Sandaun to Vuzenica | 13,024 km | 8,093 miles |
Distance from Sandaun to Ranchi | 6,803 km | 4,227 miles |
Distance from Sandaun to Ghandinagar | 8,049 km | 5,001 miles |
Distance from Sandaun to Guadalcanal | 2,141 km | 1,330 miles |
Distance from Sandaun to Tafea | 3,411 km | 2,119 miles |
Distance from Sandaun to Karak City | 11,742 km | 7,296 miles |
Distance from Sandaun to Rhode Island | 14,675 km | 9,119 miles |