Distance from to

Distance Between Quatre Bornes and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Quatre Bornes shown on map, and the distance between Quatre Bornes to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Quatre Bornes to Mauritius Cities

Distance from Quatre Bornes to Centre de Flacq26 km16 miles
Distance from Agalega Islands to Quatre Bornes1,092 km679 miles
Distance from Savanne to Quatre Bornes23 km14 miles
Distance from Riviere du Rempart to Quatre Bornes30 km19 miles
Distance from Port Louis to Quatre Bornes12 km7 miles
Distance from Plaines Wilhems to Quatre Bornes5 km3 miles
Distance from Pamplemousses to Quatre Bornes20 km12 miles
Distance from Moka to Quatre Bornes5 km3 miles
Distance from Grand Port to Quatre Bornes24 km15 miles
Distance from Flacq to Quatre Bornes25 km16 miles
Distance from Black River to Quatre Bornes15 km9 miles
Distance from Cargados Carajos to Quatre Bornes463 km288 miles
Distance from Rodrigues to Quatre Bornes625 km388 miles