Distance from to

Distance Between Qacha's Nek and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Qachaʼs Nek shown on map, and the distance between Qacha's Nek to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Qachaʼs Nek to Lesotho Cities

Distance from Qacha's Nek to Mohale's Hoek116 km72 miles
Distance from Thaba-Tseka to Qacha's Nek67 km42 miles
Distance from Quthing to Qacha's Nek99 km62 miles
Distance from Qacha's Nek to Mokhotlong99 km62 miles
Distance from Qacha's Nek to Mohale's Hoek District86 km53 miles
Distance from Qacha's Nek to Maseru140 km87 miles
Distance from Qacha's Nek to Mafeteng142 km88 miles
Distance from Qacha's Nek to Leribe152 km94 miles
Distance from Qacha's Nek to Butha-Buthe146 km91 miles
Distance from Qacha's Nek to Berea133 km83 miles

Distance Between Qacha's Nek and Foreign Cities

Distance from Qacha S Nek to Durban229 km142 miles
Distance from Qacha S Nek to Mpumalanga192 km119 miles
Distance from Qacha S Nek to Kokstad86 km53 miles
Distance from Qacha S Nek to Kwazulu Natal278 km173 miles
Distance from Qacha S Nek to Port Elizabeth514 km319 miles
Distance from Qacha S Nek to Mthatha164 km102 miles
Distance from Qacha S Nek to Vereeniging388 km241 miles
Distance from Qacha S Nek to Bloemfontein263 km163 miles
Distance from Qacha S Nek to Pietermaritzburg174 km108 miles
Distance from Qacha S Nek to Cosenza7,792 km4,842 miles