Distance Between Perugia and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Perugia shown on map, and the distance between Perugia to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Perugia to Italy Cities
Distance Between Perugia and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Perugia to Lugoj | 810 km | 503 miles |
Distance from Perugia to Oradea | 870 km | 541 miles |
Distance from Perugia to Serdobsk | 2,575 km | 1,600 miles |
Distance from Perugia to Amsterdam | 1,172 km | 728 miles |
Distance from Perugia to Rybnoye | 2,348 km | 1,459 miles |
Distance from Perugia to Veenendaal | 1,115 km | 693 miles |
Distance from Perugia to Kovrov | 2,523 km | 1,568 miles |
Distance from Perugia to Ahlat | 2,566 km | 1,594 miles |
Distance from Perugia to Laguna Niguel | 10,123 km | 6,290 miles |
Distance from Perugia to Lenexa | 8,336 km | 5,180 miles |