Distance Between Parma and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Parma shown on map, and the distance between Parma to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Parma to Italy Cities
Distance Between Parma and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Parma to Koper | 280 km | 174 miles |
Distance from Parma to Novi Sad | 751 km | 467 miles |
Distance from Parma to Chitose | 9,167 km | 5,696 miles |
Distance from Parma to Chok Chai | 9,013 km | 5,600 miles |
Distance from Parma to Ojus | 8,062 km | 5,009 miles |
Distance from Parma to Yono | 9,719 km | 6,039 miles |
Distance from Parma to Bongor | 3,856 km | 2,396 miles |
Distance from Parma to Joplin | 8,220 km | 5,108 miles |
Distance from Parma to Arua | 5,049 km | 3,137 miles |
Distance from Parma to San Ramon | 9,686 km | 6,019 miles |