Distance Between Onitsha and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Onitsha shown on map, and the distance between Onitsha to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Onitsha to Nigeria Cities
Distance Between Onitsha and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Onitsha to Lome | 617 km | 383 miles |
Distance from Onitsha to Sokode | 698 km | 434 miles |
Distance from Onitsha to Eau Claire | 10,183 km | 6,327 miles |
Distance from Onitsha to Tsevie | 618 km | 384 miles |
Distance from Onitsha to Dalton | 9,787 km | 6,081 miles |
Distance from Onitsha to Atakpame | 644 km | 400 miles |
Distance from Onitsha to Niamtougou | 744 km | 462 miles |
Distance from Onitsha to Severn | 9,022 km | 5,606 miles |
Distance from Onitsha to Mclean | 9,064 km | 5,632 miles |
Distance from Onitsha to Pop | 7,416 km | 4,608 miles |