Distance Between Nurota and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Nurota shown on map, and the distance between Nurota to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Nurota to Uzbekistan Cities
Distance Between Nurota and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Nurota to Hendrina | 8,271 km | 5,139 miles |
Distance from Nurota to Brakpan | 8,342 km | 5,183 miles |
Distance from Nurota to Kasama | 6,648 km | 4,131 miles |
Distance from Nurota to Lydenburg | 8,133 km | 5,054 miles |
Distance from Nurota to Kadoma | 7,498 km | 4,659 miles |
Distance from Nurota to Witbank | 8,265 km | 5,136 miles |
Distance from Nurota to Stutterheim | 9,003 km | 5,594 miles |
Distance from Nurota to Mmabatho | 8,439 km | 5,244 miles |