Distance Between Northern Darfur and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Northern Darfur shown on map, and the distance between Northern Darfur to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Northern Darfur to Sudan Cities
Distance Between Northern Darfur and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Northern Darfur to Kherson | 3,497 km | 2,173 miles |
Distance from Northern Darfur to Mzuzu | 3,175 km | 1,973 miles |
Distance from Northern Darfur to Sinop | 3,072 km | 1,909 miles |
Distance from Northern Darfur to Lubombo | 4,766 km | 2,961 miles |
Distance from Northern Darfur to Fakaofo | 18,143 km | 11,274 miles |
Distance from Northern Darfur to Manga | 2,844 km | 1,767 miles |
Distance from Northern Darfur to Stockholm | 4,868 km | 3,025 miles |
Distance from Northern Darfur to San Miguel De Tucuman | 10,804 km | 6,713 miles |
Distance from Northern Darfur to Ashtarak | 3,308 km | 2,055 miles |
Distance from Northern Darfur to Bilecik | 2,746 km | 1,706 miles |