Distance Between Monte Plata and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Monte Plata shown on map, and the distance between Monte Plata to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Monte Plata to Dominican Republic Cities
Distance Between Monte Plata and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Monte Plata to Port De Paix | 343 km | 213 miles |
Distance from Monte Plata to San Juan | 391 km | 243 miles |
Distance from Monte Plata to Verrettes | 283 km | 176 miles |
Distance from Monte Plata to Guisa | 726 km | 451 miles |
Distance from Monte Plata to Gibara | 711 km | 442 miles |
Distance from Monte Plata to Nord Est | 230 km | 143 miles |
Distance from Monte Plata to Sagua De Tanamo | 604 km | 375 miles |
Distance from Monte Plata to Naranjito | 378 km | 235 miles |
Distance from Monte Plata to Les Cayes | 423 km | 263 miles |
Distance from Monte Plata to Banes | 665 km | 413 miles |