Distance Between Las Tunas and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Las Tunas shown on map, and the distance between Las Tunas to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Las Tunas to Cuba Cities
Distance Between Las Tunas and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Las Tunas to Miami | 620 km | 385 miles |
Distance from Las Tunas to Maria Trinidad Sanchez | 745 km | 463 miles |
Distance from Las Tunas to Cancun | 1,031 km | 641 miles |
Distance from Las Tunas to Artibonite | 506 km | 314 miles |
Distance from Las Tunas to Monte Cristi | 567 km | 352 miles |
Distance from Las Tunas to Port De Paix | 444 km | 276 miles |
Distance from Las Tunas to Elias Pina | 597 km | 371 miles |
Distance from Las Tunas to Peravia | 751 km | 467 miles |
Distance from Las Tunas to Isabela | 1,076 km | 669 miles |
Distance from Las Tunas to Puerto Plata | 666 km | 414 miles |