Distance Between L'viv and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of L'viv shown on map, and the distance between L'viv to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From L'viv to Ukraine Cities
Distance Between L'viv and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from L Viv to San Mateo | 9,775 km | 6,074 miles |
Distance from L Viv to Terrell | 9,137 km | 5,677 miles |
Distance from L Viv to Amarillo | 9,185 km | 5,707 miles |
Distance from L Viv to Salinas | 9,845 km | 6,117 miles |
Distance from L Viv to Idaho Falls | 8,823 km | 5,482 miles |
Distance from L Viv to Brits | 8,368 km | 5,200 miles |
Distance from L Viv to Pearl | 8,843 km | 5,495 miles |
Distance from L Viv to Cape Town | 9,295 km | 5,776 miles |
Distance from L Viv to Ronkonkoma | 7,132 km | 4,432 miles |
Distance from L Viv to Harker Heights | 9,362 km | 5,817 miles |