Distance Between Kherson and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Kherson shown on map, and the distance between Kherson to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Kherson to Ukraine Cities
Distance Between Kherson and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Kherson to Goiania | 10,737 km | 6,672 miles |
Distance from Kherson to Adamstown | 17,167 km | 10,667 miles |
Distance from Kherson to Aosta | 1,947 km | 1,210 miles |
Distance from Kherson to Catanzaro | 1,564 km | 972 miles |
Distance from Kherson to Chetumal | 10,686 km | 6,640 miles |
Distance from Kherson to Chur | 1,758 km | 1,092 miles |
Distance from Kherson to Columbus Oh | 8,489 km | 5,275 miles |
Distance from Kherson to Keren | 3,464 km | 2,152 miles |
Distance from Kherson to Komuna E Malisheves | 1,049 km | 652 miles |
Distance from Kherson to Komuna E Prishtines | 1,009 km | 627 miles |