Distance Between Kef and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Kef shown on map, and the distance between Kef to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Kef to Tunisia Cities
Distance Between Kef and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Kef to South Dakota | 8,587 km | 5,336 miles |
Distance from Kef to Parnu | 2,734 km | 1,699 miles |
Distance from Kef to Oral | 3,762 km | 2,338 miles |
Distance from Kef to Moussoro | 2,611 km | 1,622 miles |
Distance from Kef to Oklahoma City | 9,011 km | 5,599 miles |
Distance from Kef to As Samawah | 3,416 km | 2,123 miles |
Distance from Kef to Szekesfehervar | 1,471 km | 914 miles |
Distance from Kef to Penama | 16,929 km | 10,519 miles |
Distance from Kef to Lai | 3,060 km | 1,901 miles |
Distance from Kef to Viedma | 11,224 km | 6,974 miles |