Distance Between Kangwon-do and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Kangwŏn-do shown on map, and the distance between Kangwon-do to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Kangwŏn-do to North Korea Cities
Distance Between Kangwon-do and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Kangwon Do to Bosilovo | 8,315 km | 5,167 miles |
Distance from Kangwon Do to Tas Sliema | 9,257 km | 5,752 miles |
Distance from Kangwon Do to Goiania | 17,528 km | 10,891 miles |
Distance from Kangwon Do to Al Qasrayn | 9,677 km | 6,013 miles |
Distance from Kangwon Do to Quang Tri | 3,160 km | 1,964 miles |
Distance from Kangwon Do to Bender | 7,528 km | 4,678 miles |
Distance from Kangwon Do to Chiang Rai | 3,389 km | 2,106 miles |
Distance from Kangwon Do to Lelystad | 8,447 km | 5,249 miles |
Distance from Kangwon Do to Delta | 12,274 km | 7,627 miles |
Distance from Kangwon Do to Zamora | 15,320 km | 9,519 miles |