Distance Between Invercargill and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Invercargill shown on map, and the distance between Invercargill to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Invercargill to New Zealand Cities
Distance Between Invercargill and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Invercargill to Luts K | 17,275 km | 10,734 miles |
Distance from Invercargill to Coishco | 10,997 km | 6,833 miles |
Distance from Invercargill to Nong Kung Si | 9,539 km | 5,927 miles |
Distance from Invercargill to Lake Magdalene | 13,640 km | 8,476 miles |
Distance from Invercargill to Las Tejerias | 13,442 km | 8,352 miles |
Distance from Invercargill to Griffith | 14,150 km | 8,792 miles |
Distance from Invercargill to Modesto | 11,670 km | 7,251 miles |
Distance from Invercargill to Carney | 14,813 km | 9,204 miles |
Distance from Invercargill to Seven Oaks | 14,143 km | 8,788 miles |
Distance from Invercargill to Casselberry | 13,769 km | 8,556 miles |