Distance Between Il-Birgu and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Il-Birgu shown on map, and the distance between Il-Birgu to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Il-Birgu to Malta Cities
Distance Between Il-Birgu and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Il Birgu to Tirmiz | 4,663 km | 2,897 miles |
Distance from Il Birgu to Jefferson City | 8,852 km | 5,500 miles |
Distance from Il Birgu to Bogota | 9,589 km | 5,958 miles |
Distance from Il Birgu to Warrap | 3,393 km | 2,108 miles |
Distance from Il Birgu to Ucayali | 10,433 km | 6,483 miles |
Distance from Il Birgu to Thanh Pho Hoa Binh | 8,755 km | 5,440 miles |
Distance from Il Birgu to Lublin | 1,824 km | 1,133 miles |
Distance from Il Birgu to Babati | 4,961 km | 3,083 miles |
Distance from Il Birgu to Bosaso | 4,424 km | 2,749 miles |
Distance from Il Birgu to Cuscatlan | 10,303 km | 6,402 miles |