Distance Between Ica and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Ica shown on map, and the distance between Ica to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Ica to Peru Cities
Distance Between Ica and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Ica to Arica | 773 km | 480 miles |
Distance from Ica to Kati | 8,031 km | 4,990 miles |
Distance from Ica to Taki | 18,151 km | 11,279 miles |
Distance from Ica to Haar | 10,969 km | 6,816 miles |
Distance from Ica to Mazyr | 12,247 km | 7,610 miles |
Distance from Ica to Komono | 16,030 km | 9,961 miles |
Distance from Ica to Nevel | 12,259 km | 7,617 miles |
Distance from Ica to Leduc | 8,271 km | 5,139 miles |
Distance from Ica to Bassum | 10,868 km | 6,753 miles |
Distance from Ica to Calais | 10,357 km | 6,436 miles |