Distance Between Goroka and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Goroka shown on map, and the distance between Goroka to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Goroka to Papua New Guinea Cities
Distance Between Goroka and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Goroka to Lome | 16,072 km | 9,987 miles |
Distance from Goroka to Velikiy Novgorod | 11,965 km | 7,435 miles |
Distance from Goroka to Bukoba | 12,610 km | 7,835 miles |
Distance from Goroka to Cheboksary | 11,070 km | 6,879 miles |
Distance from Goroka to Columbia Sc | 14,339 km | 8,910 miles |
Distance from Goroka to Halmstad | 13,040 km | 8,103 miles |
Distance from Goroka to Maliana | 2,248 km | 1,397 miles |
Distance from Goroka to Nukus | 10,118 km | 6,287 miles |
Distance from Goroka to Zhongxing New Village | 4,271 km | 2,654 miles |