Distance Between Ghedi and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Ghedi shown on map, and the distance between Ghedi to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Ghedi to Italy Cities
Distance Between Ghedi and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Ghedi to Hopa | 2,546 km | 1,582 miles |
Distance from Ghedi to Koper | 270 km | 168 miles |
Distance from Ghedi to Ahlat | 2,745 km | 1,706 miles |
Distance from Ghedi to Lemay | 7,797 km | 4,845 miles |
Distance from Ghedi to Korgan | 2,250 km | 1,398 miles |
Distance from Ghedi to Anamur | 2,158 km | 1,341 miles |
Distance from Ghedi to Riverdale | 7,775 km | 4,831 miles |
Distance from Ghedi to Skawina | 878 km | 546 miles |
Distance from Ghedi to Los Mochis | 10,022 km | 6,227 miles |
Distance from Ghedi to Sparks | 9,361 km | 5,817 miles |