Distance Between Gasteiz / Vitoria and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Gasteiz / Vitoria shown on map, and the distance between Gasteiz / Vitoria to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Gasteiz / Vitoria to Spain Cities
Distance Between Gasteiz / Vitoria and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Gasteiz Vitoria to Karak City | 3,621 km | 2,250 miles |
Distance from Gasteiz Vitoria to Osijek | 1,729 km | 1,074 miles |
Distance from Gasteiz Vitoria to Dapaong | 3,556 km | 2,210 miles |
Distance from Gasteiz Vitoria to Birobidzhan | 8,966 km | 5,571 miles |
Distance from Gasteiz Vitoria to Coronel Oviedo | 9,354 km | 5,812 miles |
Distance from Gasteiz Vitoria to Culiacan | 9,284 km | 5,769 miles |
Distance from Gasteiz Vitoria to Geneina | 4,053 km | 2,518 miles |
Distance from Gasteiz Vitoria to Hakha | 8,819 km | 5,480 miles |
Distance from Gasteiz Vitoria to Hawalli | 4,728 km | 2,938 miles |
Distance from Gasteiz Vitoria to Linkoping | 2,146 km | 1,333 miles |