Distance Between Gafsa and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Gafsa shown on map, and the distance between Gafsa to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Gafsa to Tunisia Cities
Distance Between Gafsa and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Gafsa to Mazouna | 741 km | 460 miles |
Distance from Gafsa to Khemis Miliana | 629 km | 391 miles |
Distance from Gafsa to Boufarik | 583 km | 362 miles |
Distance from Gafsa to Modica | 605 km | 376 miles |
Distance from Gafsa to Saoula | 579 km | 360 miles |
Distance from Gafsa to Bougara | 567 km | 352 miles |
Distance from Gafsa to Arris | 240 km | 149 miles |
Distance from Gafsa to Gela | 574 km | 357 miles |
Distance from Gafsa to Ragusa | 603 km | 375 miles |
Distance from Gafsa to Genc | 2,870 km | 1,783 miles |