Distance Between Dolj and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Dolj shown on map, and the distance between Dolj to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Dolj to Romania Cities
Distance Between Dolj and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Dolj to Sofia | 165 km | 103 miles |
Distance from Dolj to Linz | 855 km | 531 miles |
Distance from Dolj to Ajka | 575 km | 357 miles |
Distance from Dolj to Reni | 396 km | 246 miles |
Distance from Dolj to Wels | 864 km | 537 miles |
Distance from Dolj to Paks | 463 km | 288 miles |
Distance from Dolj to Tuzla | 398 km | 247 miles |
Distance from Dolj to Kumta | 5,807 km | 3,608 miles |
Distance from Dolj to Bled | 786 km | 488 miles |
Distance from Dolj to Tahta | 2,055 km | 1,277 miles |