Distance Between Crete and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Crete shown on map, and the distance between Crete to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Crete to Greece Cities
Distance Between Crete and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Crete to Tel Aviv | 988 km | 614 miles |
Distance from Crete to Cairo | 833 km | 518 miles |
Distance from Crete to Bodrum | 309 km | 192 miles |
Distance from Crete to Tripoli | 1,103 km | 685 miles |
Distance from Crete to Paphos | 697 km | 433 miles |
Distance from Crete to Port Said | 824 km | 512 miles |
Distance from Crete to Sofia | 838 km | 521 miles |
Distance from Crete to Marmaris | 360 km | 224 miles |
Distance from Crete to Antalya | 563 km | 350 miles |
Distance from Crete to Fethiye | 418 km | 260 miles |