Distance Between Caras-Severin and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Caraş-Severin shown on map, and the distance between Caras-Severin to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Caraş-Severin to Romania Cities
Distance Between Caras-Severin and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Caras Severin to Sveti Jurij | 504 km | 313 miles |
Distance from Caras Severin to Lindenwold | 7,495 km | 4,657 miles |
Distance from Caras Severin to Chennai | 6,507 km | 4,043 miles |
Distance from Caras Severin to Maribor | 524 km | 326 miles |
Distance from Caras Severin to Kungota | 530 km | 329 miles |
Distance from Caras Severin to Canby | 9,410 km | 5,847 miles |
Distance from Caras Severin to Leoben | 594 km | 369 miles |
Distance from Caras Severin to Sarajevo | 327 km | 203 miles |
Distance from Caras Severin to Samobor | 503 km | 313 miles |
Distance from Caras Severin to Dornava | 498 km | 309 miles |