Distance Between Callao and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Callao shown on map, and the distance between Callao to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Callao to Peru Cities
Distance Between Callao and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Callao to St Louis | 5,772 km | 3,587 miles |
Distance from Callao to Gary | 6,031 km | 3,747 miles |
Distance from Callao to Ada | 5,579 km | 3,467 miles |
Distance from Callao to Pekin | 5,967 km | 3,708 miles |
Distance from Callao to Rolla | 5,742 km | 3,568 miles |
Distance from Callao to Omaha | 6,211 km | 3,859 miles |
Distance from Callao to Saint Joseph | 6,023 km | 3,743 miles |
Distance from Callao to Dyer | 6,024 km | 3,743 miles |
Distance from Callao to Boston | 6,056 km | 3,763 miles |
Distance from Callao to Leavenworth | 5,978 km | 3,715 miles |