Distance from to

Distance Between Butha-Buthe and Surrounding Cities

Surrounding cities of Butha-Buthe shown on map, and the distance between Butha-Buthe to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.

Distance From Butha-Buthe to Lesotho Cities

Distance from Butha-Buthe to Mohale's Hoek182 km113 miles
Distance from Thaba-Tseka to Butha-Buthe80 km50 miles
Distance from Quthing to Butha-Buthe195 km121 miles
Distance from Qacha's Nek to Butha-Buthe146 km91 miles
Distance from Mokhotlong to Butha-Buthe74 km46 miles
Distance from Mohale's Hoek District to Butha-Buthe160 km99 miles
Distance from Maseru to Butha-Buthe117 km73 miles
Distance from Mafeteng to Butha-Buthe169 km105 miles
Distance from Leribe to Butha-Buthe48 km30 miles
Distance from Butha-Buthe to Berea80 km50 miles

Distance Between Butha-Buthe and Foreign Cities

Distance from Butha Buthe to Bloemfontein229 km142 miles
Distance from Butha Buthe to Johannesburg292 km181 miles
Distance from Butha Buthe to Durban269 km167 miles
Distance from Butha Buthe to Vereeniging243 km151 miles
Distance from Butha Buthe to Gauteng284 km176 miles
Distance from Butha Buthe to Shiselweni343 km213 miles
Distance from Butha Buthe to Bloemhof314 km195 miles
Distance from Butha Buthe to Mbabane376 km234 miles
Distance from Butha Buthe to Thaba Nchu171 km106 miles
Distance from Butha Buthe to Kokstad212 km132 miles