Distance Between Brezice and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Brežice shown on map, and the distance between Brezice to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Brežice to Slovenia Cities
Distance Between Brezice and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Brezice to Natitingou | 4,172 km | 2,592 miles |
Distance from Brezice to Imphal | 7,196 km | 4,471 miles |
Distance from Brezice to Vatican City | 512 km | 318 miles |
Distance from Brezice to Yakutsk | 6,685 km | 4,154 miles |
Distance from Brezice to Banskobystricky | 409 km | 254 miles |
Distance from Brezice to Bouar | 4,430 km | 2,753 miles |
Distance from Brezice to Bukavu | 5,518 km | 3,429 miles |
Distance from Brezice to Cebu City | 10,569 km | 6,567 miles |
Distance from Brezice to Chaguanas | 8,173 km | 5,078 miles |
Distance from Brezice to Chumphon | 8,684 km | 5,396 miles |