Distance Between Bayelsa and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Bayelsa shown on map, and the distance between Bayelsa to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Bayelsa to Nigeria Cities
Distance Between Bayelsa and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Bayelsa to Atakpame | 604 km | 375 miles |
Distance from Bayelsa to Muyuka | 395 km | 245 miles |
Distance from Bayelsa to Mamfe | 391 km | 243 miles |
Distance from Bayelsa to Tamale | 897 km | 557 miles |
Distance from Bayelsa to Lome | 538 km | 334 miles |
Distance from Bayelsa to L Viv | 5,268 km | 3,273 miles |
Distance from Bayelsa to Sangmelima | 709 km | 441 miles |
Distance from Bayelsa to Accra | 680 km | 423 miles |
Distance from Bayelsa to Manjo | 435 km | 270 miles |
Distance from Bayelsa to Maritime | 541 km | 336 miles |