Distance Between Balta and Surrounding Cities
Surrounding cities of Balta shown on map, and the distance between Balta to other cities and states listed below the map. Click on the distance between link to see distane map.
Distance From Balta to Ukraine Cities
Distance Between Balta and Foreign Cities
City | Distance | Mileage |
Distance from Balta to Boston | 7,347 km | 4,565 miles |
Distance from Balta to Prairie Village | 8,916 km | 5,540 miles |
Distance from Balta to Vista | 10,432 km | 6,482 miles |
Distance from Balta to Willoughby | 7,997 km | 4,969 miles |
Distance from Balta to Yaypan | 3,358 km | 2,087 miles |
Distance from Balta to Thaba Nchu | 8,548 km | 5,311 miles |
Distance from Balta to Missouri City | 9,828 km | 6,107 miles |
Distance from Balta to Tarpon Springs | 9,226 km | 5,733 miles |
Distance from Balta to Lake Elsinore | 10,387 km | 6,454 miles |
Distance from Balta to Tahlequah | 9,216 km | 5,727 miles |